Thursday, March 11, 2010


The world we live in can often be describes as cold, rude, insensitive, ignorant and mean. Even thought I live in a town where none of that is true (well, at times, but overall, that isnt the case) I was very concerned about taking my kids back into the world where those traits are a part of day to day life. Sad but true.

I was pleasantly surpise and somewhat shocked to have my concerns pushed aside thanks to a few "good people".

The LAST place I would even think of run into a helpful human being would be in an airport. I expected that the shuttle driver from the parking lot would be helpful...his tip depends on it. I did not expect any help from airline employees or TSA and I was not disappointed.

I was unexpectedly suprised when the business man in security declined my offer to go ahead of us, instead he helped by getting more bins for me, and helping to collapse the stroller.

My amazement continued when we went for pre-boarding and a fellow passenger helped me to break down the car seat/stroller.

The woman who sat next to us was very kind and didnt seem bothered when Sage did fuss right before fallling asleep. I determined she must be a grandmother.

Upon departing, a third passenger helped me to get the stroller set back up again and on our way.

And yet again, someone went back into the elevator and held the door open for us.

Shock and amazement at how kind people were. It was unexpected. It was a pleasant surpise that really helped calm my nerves of flying with 2 kids and tons of crap.

In a way, it renewed my faith in people. It wasnt that long ago that I was in an airport and people were rude and snippy and over all just jerks. I was concerned about being "that mom" on the plane. You know the one who is a hot mess with all the stuff I had and a screaming child or 2. I probably fit this description to a point, and would have been completely a disaster if I hadnt had the help from some many strangers.

So THANK YOU to those who helped me. To everyone else, I encourage you to hold the elevator, help collapse the stroller, or just wait in the line behind the crazy mess of a mom. Even if you dont physically help her out, just waiting and being patient can mean the difference in how the flight goes. And as we all know...when mommy is happy because the baby isnt crying, then everyone on the plane is happy.

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