Friday, March 5, 2010

Life with a Tween

I am spoke of this before, the drama (and resulting trauma) that is caused by living with a tween. I should say a female tween....doesnt seem as the boys moms have quiet as many issues as girls moms do.

Today it started with getting dressed for school. Well, things always start with getting dressed because this is not her favorite thing to do. I have tried getting her to pick out her clothes the night before. She just changes her mind in the morning. I have tried getting her up even earlier...that was a bad idea of catastrophic proportions. I have triend yelling, threatening, bargaining, pleading and yes, there have been tears. Nothing works.

I thought for about 3 seconds that maybe, this morning, would be an uneventful as she went upstairs to get dressed after one being asked once.

Then the stomping began.

Which is often followed by the slamming of dresser drawers.

Then she appears back on the stairs, red faced and crying because she cant find anything to wear.

"You cant find them because they are still on the floor and not in your dresser."

"MOM.....I cant find ANY jeans."

To her credit all of her jeans are in the dryer, which quieted her down for, oh as long as it took her to walk to the dryer.

She goes back upstairs and we all know that what goes up, must come down and she did.

Stomping all the way and screaming about how she "never wants anyone to wash her jeans again. They are wrinkly and crunchy and dont fit right and I am never, ever going to wear them again."

After a few comments about doing your own laundry and how much fun it will be for her to replace the floor she is going to break stomping around like an elephant, she calmed down. Slightly.

Then she got on her coat and boots, backpack and lunch box 10 minutes before we had to leave. Usually, I am starting to ask her now to get her stuff on because she get distracted easily...yes, distracted is a good way of putting it.

But this time, she starts to complain about how hot she is, why do we have to keep the house that warm, why cant we open a window. She fired them off faster then I had a response until I finally quieted her down by saying "if your so hot, go wait outside and play with the dogs for a few minutes."

Then on the way to school she told me about all the drama with her friends at school the day before, complete with hand gestures and tears.

Seriously, all of this before 730am.

I'm not sure we are all going to make it on this crazy train called life with a tween. And they say teen is worse then tween...oh my...

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