Thursday, May 27, 2010
It's a BOY!!!!
Extremely squirmey and not horribly interested in participating in things like measurments of his head or legs, but we finally got it done. Little Man was the same exact way. I guess I just always thought ultrasounds took 90 minutes, because all of mine have.
We are now moving on the the name game. Hubby and I can only agree on a girls name, which is exactly why we have 2 boys. I still have my favorite I am holding out for, and he actually seems to be caving in slightly. I wont tell until it is official which probably wont happen until the delivery.
I am excited about 2 boys. I have my girl and she is more then enough!! I am excited to be the mom of boys, especially that close together. I am sure they will grow up to be friends and enemies, teammates and competitors, and most of all, best friends. What more can a mom ask for!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
You get what you ask for
How can I be a terrible mom with 2 1/3 healthy, happy children? I will tell no particular order, many of the reasons I and others have been ripped apart by the "perfect" mothers of the world:
-I eat deli meat, often times with mayo
-I feed my son formula (aka as rat posion)
-I use a bumper in the kiddos cribs
-I let my kiddo CIO (cry it out)
-I dont measure each and every ounce of food that Little Man eat.
-I drink caffiene. Mt. Dew to be specific.
-I sleep on my stomach (when possible). Or at least how I am most comfortable but apparently I should be sleeping on my left side. Or maybe the right.
-I dont wash baby clothes in "special detergent" - I am only SEMI bad in this catagory...I did at first, but now that its run out, I use regular detergent.
-I ride horses, ski, snowmobile, go to football games and have FUN when I am pregnant. Or try to at least.
-I have no problem leaving my children with my very capable family, so that hubby and I can have sometime to ourselves.
-I take my infants outside well before the 6 weeks recommendation....and much sooner then the one lady who hasnt left her house in the 4 months since her child was born.
-I trust my husband to take care of the kiddos. This one really makes me sad...I cant imagine not trusting my husband alone with OUR kids. I didnt know what I was doing when Stinkerbell was born and people left me alone to figure it out. How is it any different for the guys?"
-I take my babies into a bar (lol....gotta know where I live to understand this one :-)
-I dont make people sanitize their hands before holding my kiddos.
-My daughter drinks soda and eats candy.
-I drink soda and eat candy.
-I dared to put my 4mth old on an airplane!! THEN I did it again at 6mths and will again at 8mths. In November I will put my 1 year old and 1 month old on an airplane.
-I take medication to help with my post partum depression that starts during my pregnancies. Apparently if I cut out caffiene and visualize a happy place, that will make it all better. I dont think we should talk about what happens to me when I cut out caffiene....lets just say its better for all involved if I drink the Mt. Dew.
-I dont enjoy being pregnant
-I am not supportive of the need for "pregnancy photos".
-I follow my babies leads more then the American Academy of Pediatrics "recommendations".
-I use a family physician....not a pediatrician or an OB. Same doc all rolled into one. I trust him completely.
-I use a doctor, not a doula or midwife. And I am perfectly OK with medications during pregnancy.
-I dont understand the concept of home births, water births or silent births. At the sametime, the people on the boards who participate in those methods cant understand why I would want my child born into a "harsh instituion". That would be the hospital.
-My children will not be in the room when Baby #3 is born. Neither will my parents or in-laws, photographers or newspaper reporters.
-I put my infants in their cribs as soon as they come home. Little Man was the exception to the rule but only because his room wasnt ready. Baby #3 goes into the crib as soon as we get home.
-I dont co-sleep. Hubby and I can barely make it through the night without stealing the covers or someone ending up on the very edge....put a baby in there also and oh my.......
-My 6mth old is currently playing with an empty potato chip bag and watching TV....I am sure he is scarred for life.
-I vaccinate.
The list really does go on and on and on. Its sad isn't it? That in this day when there is so much going on in the world, so much bad stuff, moms cant unite together and at least agree to disagree on the methods each uses to raise their children. At least be polite. I mean, these boards can get nasty! One mom made the comment in regards to an article about the benefits of formula feeding (because FF moms often get raked over the coals for their decision) that stated "since she couldnt find anything nice to say about the rat poison we willing feed out children, she wouldnt say anything at all."
I feel sorry for the first time moms who dont have any idea that its OK to follow the guidelines but do what works best for you. That each person has an opinion and is more then willing to share that opinion but its up to the mom to determine what is the best option for them. I always say "this is what works for me" or "I tried this and it worked great but it might not for you". Others are not so friendly and put out there "I do it this way because the AAP says I should and any other way is bad for your baby".
In a perfect world the moms could come together and help raise our kiddos to be good people. Happy, healthy people. I believe that this starts in the beginning, with acceptance of people with different ideas and perspectives on life. No two people are the same, no two babies or family situations are identical so what would make anyone think that everyone should do everything exactly the same? Its in the decision making that makes us individuals. If we cant even accept the fact that people will make different decisions regarding the raising of their children, how can we expect people to accept different decisions when they get older?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Your FIRED!!!
My hubby assured me that while we live in an area where their are very large, very mean snakes, our dogs will take care of them. Junior specifically....he is a snake killer! He will bark at them, get them to strike at him and when they stretch out, he grabs and shakes and kills them dead. PERFECT FOR ME.
Well, not quite "perfect"....that would mean there weren't any snakes anywhere within a 100 mile radius but since my husband doesn't believe that is going to happen, second best is a snake killing dog.
I found out today just how "reliable" the snake killer is. Or isn't is the better term.
The dogs started barking insanely and I thought the dreaded UPS man has pulled in the drive way. I looked out the window just in time to see the snake strike at the boys. Yes, Husker was helping but he didnt last long...he ran and hid and left Junior to take care of the snake all alone. I wasn't to worried...after all, he was a "snake killer"!
Junior barked and barked and the snake coiled and struck out at him. They repeated this little dance several times while I waited and watched. Waiting for the kill! Waiting for my hero to rescuse me from the 4 foot snake that was 6 feet from the window.
My hero seemed to have a different idea as he continued to bark and circle and bark. For 30 minutes. Yes....MINUTES!!! Apparently the "killer" instinct takes time to formulate a plan. In the mean time, I am proceeding to flip out. To which I needed no plan for. Its just a natural talent I have.
The approved method for sandhillers to kill the snakes is the shovel method. Wacking them in half or 3rds, or really however many times you feel necessary to kill them. This is not a method I approve of. Do you know how close I have to get to wack a snake with a shovel???
Hubby said my approved method was to shoot them. OK, that would have been fine and I would have done it except for the fact that the gun I know how to use was in the pick up that hubby had out on the ranch with him. I debated just grabbing one from downstairs but thought better of it when I realized I didnt know what kind of ammunition to use in which gun, and would probably end up blowing off my hand and missing the snake.
I called my dad (in Michigan) and asked him for help and he recommended the shovel method. I reminded him how close I would have to get and that wasnt going to happen. I called my mom (in Michigan) and she agreed the shovel method wasnt going to happen, to close (thanks mom!). I called my mother in law who said the shovel method was an option but not one she would use, just to encourage the dog. Father in law didnt answer the phone.
Why didn't I call hubby...well because his phone was in the living room right next to where I was sitting. Gotta love hubbies and cell phones....I still don't know why we pay for one for him.
Finally, as I was pacing in the house, cancelling my plans for the gardens in the front and side yards, I hear the barking slow. I go to check it out thinking that the "killer" found his instinct.
Not so much. He was instead laying down about 4 feet from the snake.....his exhaustion kicking in. The snake was also uncoiling so I guess he was tired also. They needed a "time out" from the mutual hate and agression for each other. That whole "pretending to bite" on both sides was exhausting.
Finally....hubby appeared in the window. He was ready to kill the snake...with a shovel. I choose at this time to start yelling at him through the window and he ignored me. Rightfully so until he killed the snake. THEN the dog jumped into the game. Once it was dead. Yep...he's a killer all right.
Hubby came into the house and I told him "we have to talk about the snake killer" and he said "What about him?"
"He is FIRED" was my reply. We are going back to my original plan of ringing the entire front yard with moth balls and planting marigolds along the sidewalks to the garage. And anything else I could find when I googled "how to protect your yard from snakes".
"Well, he needed his partner in crime to distract the snake so he could move in for the kill. He has only killed 2 or 3 in his life, he is still learning."
My fearless defender is a rookie.My husband had me convinced that it was safe to walk into the yard KNOWING my paranoia because Junior, the snake killer, would go with me and protect me. He conveniently left out the part about Junior needed back up to take out the reptile. I may never forgive him for that.
I may never walk outside again. I know that isnt an option but I can tell you the odds of my having my boots on everytime I leave the house is extremly high.
As for the "snake killer" he is currently resting in the sun. It took alot of energy to entertain a 4 foot snake for 30 minutes. Or as my hubby says, a 16 inch snake...but why should Ibelieve him. HE is the one who also told me that Junior had a black belt in snake killing and we all know the truth behind that now dont we. Its a good thing he is cute...and that goes for BOTH of them.
The standoff begins.
He looked to me like he was 4 feet long....this picture just doesnt show it.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
No Touch Zone
1) I find nothing amusing about my ribs and bladder being used as part of a circus act, especially in the middle of the night.
2) The "miracle of life" hits me when the baby is here, not before. Prior to delivery its more like that scene from Alien when the Alien crawls itself out of Sigourney Weaver's stomach.
3) I dont glow. Its excess oil on my face and its also causing my break outs. So lets not talk about it because mentioning "the glow" simply makes me think about my zits. Thanks.
4) Touching. Why do people, friend or foe, feel it necessary to touch my increasing waist line???
Its the last one that had me going today. I just dont understand what is so amusing about touching my stomach? So you run the chance of maybe getting kicked....its not that much fun. Or maybe it is and I am just missing the amusement. Either far as I am concerned, it isnt ok to touch.
I wondered if Iwas alone in my feelings so I posted an informal poll on the internet baby website that I am member of asking just that. The responses were not all that surpising to me.....the poll and resulting answers were:
Are you ok with people touching your belly?
Yes - Doesnt bother me at all.
No - Stay away, stay far, far away.
Depends on who it is.
As I expected, the results were mostly for "depends on who it is with 42 out of the 70 responderes choosing that option. If I was a more understanding pregnant person I could see this option. However I am not. Even fully medicated, I am not. And my doc says my welbutrin is about as high of a dosage as he is willing to go so I guess the world it outta luck in that catagory.
I was a bit more suprised that so many people, 16 in fact, said that they didnt have any problem with people touching their belly's. Thats something I cant even get a grasp on....just being ok with people, family or not, just walking up, putting their hand on your stomach and hoping to feel the baby moving. Umm...NOOOOOO!
There are at least 12 other people who understand my position because they belong to the same group. I like to think we are the normal ones even if we are the minority.
I will add here that my discomfort does not apply to my hubby or my kiddos. Stinkerbell thinks its amusing and while I creeps me out, I allow her to. I worry more about scarring her for life and the resulting therapy bills if I dont just let her feel the baby kicking. Hubby, thankfully is just as weirded out by the whole thing as I am, so he isnt overly touchy feeling. Well, he isnt overly touchy feeling period, I just dont bother him about it when I am pregnant. I think that is his favorite part, lol!!
My feelings do expand to my family, much to my moms dismay. Sorry mom, I know your reading this. Just understand that it isnt just you.....anyone who dares runs the risk of losing a limb.
I cant help my feelings....and I wont apologize. Its how I am....cant change it and I wont try. No reason to....only a few more months and then I am done...yahooo!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I am THAT mom
Yep, that was me.
I did it to myself. When the nice lady who was traveling with her 3 month old daughter asked "does he travel well?" I should have said "nope...he is a holy terror" but oh no...I said "yes, he is great!".
Me and my big mouth.
He was so good on the last was only 2 months ago...what happened to my agreeable, snuggly baby boy?? I must have left him in Nebraska cause he sure didnt make the flight with me.
Maybe something happened to him in security....maybe something in the screening process fried the agreeable genes and left me with his evil twin.
I mean he found new levels in his voice that didnt know a boy could hit. Even a boy child shouldnt be able to scream at that pitch. I hope there weren't any small animals in cargo cause he probably caused them much pain.
Mariah Carey has trouble reaching those notes!!
Oh my I tried everything....I had extra bottles and he took them all within 45 minutes of the flight. I gave him tylenol TWICE, didnt work. I rocked, I begged, I PLEADED. I even promised him a pony but that didnt work.
Thankfully the plane was full of kids and many of them were making noise. Of course, for Little Man this was a competition. And he wasnt going down without a fight. A LOUD fight.
He won.
Yes, another Mom O' the Year day for me...keep me posted friends on the blog world and if anyone posts anything about the obnoxious child on Frontier Flight 222 into Detroit on May 18th please let me know....I need to send an apology letter.
And somehow prepare myself for the return flight on Saturday....oy!!!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Baby #3 update
Seriously....I spent more time talking about Sage, who our doctor and nurse see all to often lately because of me and my "issues", then we did talking about the reason for my appt which was baby #3.
Here is the jist of the appt (post Sage Rage):
Dr. M: Anything you want to talk about?
Me: Can you increase my Welbutrin?
Dr. M: Why (giving me that look)?
Me: Well I realized that I am on a lower dose then last time and I can tell the difference. So can my husband.
Dr. M: Done...anything else?
Me: Nope, I am good.
Now this is where it gets interesting. You need to know my doc to really get the visual...he is about 6'3" and reminds me alot of House. You know...the incredibly frank, outspoken and subtle doctor on television. Well Dr. M isnt nearly as rude (at least to me) but he is as subtle and to the point as a person can get and I really like him. Anyway....
Dr. M: (sideways glance which tells me he is starting to tred in murky waters but he is going to do it anyway) I know its early to talk about this but have you.....thought about....birth control...."
Me: (cutting him off) you mean the permanment kind right? We talked about this? Did you forget of us is getting permanently fixed." (how can he forget these kids will be 11 months apart...OF COURSE I thought about birth control!!)
Dr. M: Ok, well I thought you said something about it before but it was an emotional time and I....
Me: was probably the only rational thing that did come out of my mouth in that week/month after finding out.
Dr. M: OK, just checking to make sure.
Me: Dont worry, I will remind you again.
Dr. M: I am sure you will.
We did do important stuff like check the heartbeat (good and strong) and measure my increasing size (good and growing...YUCK!!!) and we did schedule the Ultrasound for Monday morning! That is exciting and Stinkerbell will be accompanying me on this one. Hubby has to go to a branding and wont be able to get out of it (unless Mother Nature actually gives us rain when we want, but that never happens) and she really wants to go. Next time I post I should be able to say if we are Team Pink or Team Blue.
Knowing our luck, we will stay Team kids have a way of making life interesting.