Thursday, September 2, 2010

So exhausted

I tell people I am tired and they nod in agreement, probably because I look like I have been run over by a mac truck. I know that the moms know how I feel, but Im not sure they actually remember how exhausting and sore they were 3 weeks before they had their little darlings. I know I certainly dont rememeber feeling this crappy with Piper.

Just to let everyone know just how tired (and slightly more then irritated) I was last night, I had a snake encounter and didnt have the energy or desire to flip out. Well, not totally, I wanted to flip out but I wasnt sure exactly how I could get my aching body on the hood of my Durango without causing some major injury to myself, the car or whatever dog happened to be under me when I fell off.

After cleaning the whole kitchen (that was clean this weekend however the pizza fairy left boxes and left overs all over the place, along with a sick full of dirty dishes (s)HE didnt feel necessary to attend to) putting away the groceries, while helping Piper with her homework and taking Sage back into the living room with his FATHER because he really isnt any help in the kitchen, I finally made it outside to feed the dogs (who were looking at me with big brown pleading eyes cause they think they are starving). Fed the dogs, turned to walk back into the house and there was the snake....slithering past the door and around the corner of the house.

My initial reaction was to scream, but My other reaction was to walk to the other side of the house and go in that door...but So I sucked it up, hoped the snake was around the corner enough that I wouldnt have a baby in the landing, and walked to the front door and into the house. (I did make sure to shut the door TIGHTLY) behind me.)

Went into living room and asked my dear husband if he would please go kill the snake by the door.

"Please go kill the snake by the door. The one I just calmly and rationally had to walk past to get into the house and I am not having a fit about it. Go kill it."
"Where is it?"
"The door, the porch, the place I am always worried they will get into because someone doesnt shut the door tightly all the time and you say, they wont get there, they dont come that close to the house."
"Oh, that door."
"Yes, please go kill him."

Turns out it was just a little guy, a harmless water snake about 16 inches long (I cant believe I just wrote that out....uhhh...harmless and little in reference to a snake BY MY HOUSE) and he has since been sent to where snakes go when they have losing battle with a shovel. I dont care. He isnt in my house and he isnt in my yard anymore.

There you have it....I didnt have the energy to flip out over a snake. If that doesnt tell you something, well then nothing will.

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