Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Empress of the Universe

That has always been my goal in life. Well, according to my family that is. I want to be in control. I want to be the one with my finger on "the button". You know, "the button" that once it is pushed crazy things happen, like small countries made of sand turn into skating rinks and stupid people are eradicated from the population.

Yep, that "button".

That was in my 20's and now that I am officially in my 30's I have come to my senses and realized that 1) I am not that mean of a person and 2) that is way to much power for my emotional unstability (especially when pregnant) and 3) I would feel really bad and I try to live my life without regrets. I think I would probably regret demolishing a small country.

Though I can think of one or two that would probably make life alot easier for the rest of the world but that could be my preggo hormones talking again.

Anyhoo, recently Stinkerbell informed us that "when I am president I will stop people from tearing down trees. That is mean and unfair to the trees."

This is an innocent enough statement form my little environmentalist however the ensuing stomping of feet, hands on hips and shaking of head let me know that mini-me's emotions are kicking into high gear.

She took off to save the trees (and the dolphins but after she helped hubby feed the calves) and I thought about the "when I am President" part of the conversation. My mind wandered back to all the plans I had for "the button" and I instantly got scared. I was scared for the world. I thought back to the drama of cleaning her room, the yelling and screaming involved with the possiblity of a skunk within' 3 mile radius of the house. I was faced with a dilemma......one that parents should never have to make..... do you support your child in all their hopes and dreams or protect the world from her temper tantrums?

Today she helped me make the agonizing decision. Today, she destroyed her lunch and lunch box after a classmate announced that there was a Mountain Lion in town. For some reason, after the town crier made his announcement she felt it necessary to throw the lunch box onto the ground and stomp on it, breaking the plastic sandwhich container which had her noodles in it AND breaking open the Go-Gurt. Of course, then the town crier had to come outside and let me know what she did, so I investigated and this time, they were not exaggerating the damage.

Yes.....if that is what happens when an unreliable source tells her there is a Mountain Lion in town can you imagine what would happen if a reliable source gave her information and "the button" was in reach.

She could possibly restructure the geography of the world map.

I think it would be safer for all involved if she stayed with her original plan of being a vet. I know for a fact she wouldnt hurt an animal. When she questions WHY I dont think her being the leader of the most powerful country in the world is the best occupation for her I will remind her of her noodles covered in Go-Gurt that she is having for lunch today.

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