Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Summer Lessons Learned

Yes, its been several months since I posted to my blog...which happens to be the first and only post I have posted to this blog.

So, I am not a great blogger.....its been kinda crazy.

I could try and bring you up to date with the past 6 months, but its all been a blur that resulted in relocation, time without Piper, extra time with Shawn, time in the hospital when my father in law had a terrible accident with a horse and cart, my own hospitalization for blood pressure issues and my welcoming into the world of "happy pills".

For some reason, reading all that up there it doesnt seem like such a crazy time, but trust was insane. Instead of trying to catch you up with details, I will just go over what I have learned this summer:

I learned that I live where I want to live, surrounded by the things I want to be surrounded by.

I learned that I made the right decision regarding Piper and the move....she is happier then I have ever seen her before, it makes everything worth it.

I found out that just because a mother is away from her child for an extended period of time, it doesnt mean she isnt still in "mom mode".

I found out a good alternative to "mom mode" is "wife mode".

I learned that I do need my parents, in my daily life, however much I pretend I dont.

I learned that I dont need my parents in my daily life, however I do want them there.

I found out that being the ranchers wife involves making runs to town for parts that I cannot pronounce, for equipment that I dont know what it does, at the store I have no idea where its located. Twice because I got the wrong part the first time.

I found out that the ranchers wife spends alot of time alone.

I learned that 8 year old Irish Setters will be great big brothers to 8 month old Australian Cattle/Border collie dogs.

I found out that I really dont like being pregnant.

I can survive the pregnancy because do love the results.

I learned that when mules are bored or mad, they will break stuff. By stuff I mean barn doors (4 this summer), fences (wooden and metal, one of each), and whatever else happens to be between them and where they want to be.

I learned that they created happy pills for a reason. That reason this summer was me :-)

I learned that the cow dog will dig holes all over your front yard if you dont let him go chase the cows.

I also learned that the cow dog is very, very smart and listens so well that after being told a few times not to leave the yard, he will have to be dragged across the road to go chase the cows.

I learned that I dont have control over everything, that I never will have control and I have to learn to let things go. I am getting better at it, but as always, I am a work in progress.

I know that home is where your heart is, and my heart is safely in the sandhills. With Shawn, and Piper, our baby boy, a couple of crazy dogs, the horses and a couple hundred cows.

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