Monday, October 26, 2009

Pregnancy Drama part.....whatever.....

As I stated before, I hate being pregnant. Sorry, I know there are many many people out there who cannot have children and I should be happy that I am one of them who can. I have a very dear friend who has adopted 2 great kids because she is unable to have her own, and I know from listening to her and being her friend, how frusterating and hurtful it is for her to not be able to have a baby of her own. That makes me feel extrememly selfish when I say yet again, I hate being pregnant.

Ok, sooooo rewind a few weeks ago when I landed in the hospital with some bleeding (that they never determined where it was coming from) and blood pressure issues. Actually, rewind even farther back then that to 2002 when I had Piper and had no problems at all during that pregnancy.

Sidebar: I didnt like that pregnancy much either.

So now fastforward back to 2009.....starting with morning sickness for the first 4 months. Actually, lets go morning, noon and night sickness. I never got to the point where I was puking my guts out, but I think it might have helped if I had. I really like how people judge your level of sickness based on if your puke or far as I am concerned, if I cannot look at food or smell pizza without WANTING to puke, I am sick...end o' story.

Now....move into the summer, sickness is gone (thank GOD) but now starts weight gain. LOTS AND LOTS of weight gain. With that comes the aching. Back ache. Ligaments in my stomach stretching.....aching. Boobs aching so the idea of sleeping on my stomach to help relieve some of the strain on my back is out of the question. Even my husband had back pain...well, he had me and if I couldnt sleep...neither was he :-)

So now your up to date....3 weeks ago, spontanously bleeding, blood pressure out of wack and a night in the hospital (with a reallllly bad I.V. line, gotta throw that in there). I found out that the "pressure" I had been having almost daily for several months was contractions (as my Ob nurse sis in law informed me during my hospital stay with a "do you know your contracting every 7-10 minutes?" Ohhhhhhhh.......). Then came bedrest.

Lets talk about bedrest. For starters....I cant last a whole night in my bed when I am sleeping let alone ALL DAY LONG. isnt possible. I am way to A.D.D. for that. Then, I couldnt get a straight answer out of any nurse or Doctor about what exactly the defination of bed rest was, so I went with my own defination. I took it easy, VERY easy (for me) and spent more time off my feet then on my feet. Occasionally took Piper to school and did some dishes. The rest was up to Shawn (which is why Karen came over to clean on day.....but his intentions are always admirable).

Discharged on Wednesday, ended up back down there Friday afternoon because of SEVERE swelling. I will save the details but lets just say cankles doesnt cover it....not when your thighs, calves and ankles are all the same size. Here is the best part....just one leg....yep...leave it to me to get edema on one side of my body. So, that little adventure (and another 6lbs GAINED between discharge on Wednesday and Friday) lead me to the glory of all pregnancy tests.....the 24 hour urine collection. Yes, I had to pee in a bucket for 24 freaking hours to make sure I didnt have any protein in my urine. I had all the other symptons of pre-eclampsia except protein, so this is the fantastic little test to determine that fact.

Test was negative for protein. blood pressure is great now (110/82...YEAH!!), no bleeding HOWEVER (it can never be that easy) now we have protein. Yes, so doc starts asking me all these questions...
1) headaches ......yep....
2) dizziness......yep
4)vision changes.....yep

Those 4 things, added to blood pressure problems, weight gain and protein in my urine all point to Pre-eclampsia.

Now, I am doing another 24 hour collection (yippee) and I have another ultrasound tomorrow (to make sure little man is still growing ok) and once we know that is going on with those two tests, we will know what path we are taking next. Hopefully, everything looks great and we dont have to do anything.....but there is a possibility of inducing labor early. If we do, it wont be before 36 weeks, so he wont be that early and he shouldnt have to stay in the hospital. Worse comes to worse, I have to deliver him earlier then that, but since I am at 33 weeks now....even if we delivered today...he would stand a good chance of being alright. Probably have to be in the NICU for a few days/week but he would be ok. That, however, is not an option for me.

So while I hate being pregnant, and todays events just simply confirm that in my mind, I would really like to be pregnant a few weeks longer (lord, can not believe I just put that in writing).

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