Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Finally had THAT appointment

Uhhh....all the mommas out there know which one I am talking about. The one where the doc looks at you and says "you gained alot of weight this month". With a certain "look" that can only be compared to your kindergarten teacher standing over your desk, looking disapprovingly at the messy paper of colors not within the lines of the picture.

Yep, thats the one. I have been waiting for it for a few months. It happens every pregnancy, but in the first 2, it was in months 4/5. At least this time it was month 6. A few weeks later and frankly, I wasnt suprised. I was surpised at how much, but not that it was more then usual. Then I thought to myself, I just had a birthday and attended a 4th of July party, then had another supper celebration at my mother in laws house with more great food and cake, plus I had cake yea, I guess I cant be to surprised with how much I put on.

Still sucks regardless of the reasons. Thats why my goal for my next appointment, which is in 2 weeks because as my doc says, I am special like that, is to put on NO MORE the 2 lbs but I would prefer to not put on anything. Then I will have put on alot of weight in 6 weeks instead of 4 and that is better, right???

Now if you will please excuse me, I have some homemade chocolate chip cookies to make........

1 comment:

  1. Go, baby, go. I guess this means you don't want me to spoil you while you're home next week? Just kidding.
