Friday, December 30, 2011

Five Things Friday

I dont think I have ever done a "Five Things Friday" or "Wordless Wednesday" post but this morning.... I got nuthin' epic or blog-worthy going on in my life.  I figured I can come up with 5 non-epic and non-blog-worthy things to write about.

1. I think the crud is just about GONE!  Both both are back to driving me each other crazy and while they sound like their lungs could appear on their high chair trays at anytime during a coughing fit, at least its alot looser and doesnt sound like its going to break their rib cages anymore.

2.  Sage is obsessed with flushing the toilet.  Not so much with contributing to the contents of the flushed toilet, but I guess not being afraid of it is a step in the right direction, right??

3.  Considering dying my hair........hmmmmm?

4.  Really need to go cut firewood but cannot seem to motivate myself to suggest it to hubby when its 60 degrees outside.  We turn our furnace off in the winter and only heat our house with the wood-stove so stocking piling wood isn't exactly optional.

5.  I have a really big EMT skills assessment test tomorrow yes, 8 hour class on New Years Eve that I feel completely unprepared for even though I have studied my ass rear off.  Im sure by tomorrow night, I will be ready to get my drink on party pants on and to celebrate 2012 with friends at the bar in town.